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Green River BasinGeology of the Bay Area
Geological educationGeology of the Central Alaska
Geology of Mount DiabloGeology of the Bay Area (Field)
Ray’s publication list indicates his broad interest in Geology and he has published widely on a variety of research topics. His doctorate research in Pembrokeshire was published in European journals. The early research in the Green River Basin and the Bay Area were mainly published in the State Geological Surveys of Wyoming and California. Starting in the 1980s, Ray began publishing in national and international journals. Probably the high point in publishing was Rays’ leadership in assembling, editing and contributing to the Geological Society of America Memoir 217 on the Regional Geology of Mount Diablo.
Geological Education
      Sullivan, R., 1964, The Lower Carboniferous rocks of the Castle Hill fault block,
Tenby, Pembrokeshire, Geological Magazine, v. 101, p. 113-115.
      Sullivan, R., 1965, The mid-Dinantian stratigraphy of a portion of central Pembrokeshire,
of Geological Association, v. 76. p. 283-300.
      Sullivan, R., 1966, The stratigraphic effects of the mid-Dinantian movements in
southwest Wales. Paleogeography, Paleoclimatology, Paleoecology v. 2 p. 213-244.
Eocene of Green River Basin
      Sullivan, R., and McGrew, P. O., 1970, Stratigraphy and Paleontology of Bridge A.,
Contributions to Geology, University of Wyoming, v. 9, No.2. p. 66-85.
      Sullivan, R., 1980, A Stratigraphic evaluation of the Eocene rocks of southwestern
Wyoming, Report of Investigations No. 20, The Wyoming Survey of Geology, 50 p.
      Sullivan, R., et al., 1984, Geologic Resources of the Green River Basin, Wyoming,
Bureau of Land Management, Contract YA-551-CT-3-440042, Geo/Resource
Consultants Inc., 3 Volumes.

      Sullivan, R., 1985, Origin of lacustrine rocks of the Wilkins Peak Member, Wyoming,
Bulletin American Association of Petroleum Geologists, v. 69, p.913-922.
Geology of the Bay Area
      Sullivan, R., and Miller, C., 1975, Historical Tunnel at Mussel Rock,
California Geology, v. 28, No.1,
p. 18-19.      
      Sullivan, R.
, 1975, Geological hazards along the coast south of San Francisco,
California Geology, v. 28, No. 2 p. 27-33.
      Sullivan, R., 1975, Progression of coastal landslides,
California Geology, v. 28, No. 2 p. 34-36.

      Sullivan, R., Mustart, D. A., Galehouse, J. S., 1977; Living in earthquake country:
A survey of residents living along the San Andreas fault, California Geology,
v. 30, No. 1, p. 194-199.
Geological Education
      Sullivan, R., et al., 1979, Quake Estate, Wards Natural Establishment Inc. Rochester, NY.
      Sullivan, R., 1979, Earthquake Education in the schools of California,
Natural Hazards Research Applications workshop, University of Colorado, PPA 1.
      Sullivan, R., 1980, Shaking up the classroom - using earthquakes to teach an
Interdisciplinary program in elementary education, Early Years Magazine, v.10, No. 5, p. 34-37.
      Sullivan, R., at al. 1980, Earthquake Institute at San Francisco State University,
Earthquake Information Bulletin, United States Geological Survey, v. 12, No. 5, p. 174-176.
Geology of Central Alaska
      Sullivan, R., 1983, Regional Geology and Petroleum Potential of the South Chukchi Sea,
Sohio Petroleum Company Report No. GE (WR) 118, 46 p.
      Sullivan, R., Egbert, R.M., 1984, Preliminary Report of the Geology and Petroleum Potential
of the 1984 Central Alaska Field Survey, Sohio Company Report No. GE (WR) 1821D, 33 p.
      Sullivan, R.,  Blodgett, R., Clough, J. G., Lepain, D., 1999, Paleozoic paleontology of the Holitna
Lowlands, southwest Alaska: Geological Society of America, Abstract, Cordilleran Section Meeting.
Geology of Mount Diablo
      Sullivan, R., and Waters, J., 1980, History of the Mount Diablo Coalfield, Contra Costa County,
California, California Geology, v. 33, No. 3, p. 51-59.
      Sullivan, R., Sullivan, M.D., and Waters, J., 2003, Reservoir characterization and Sequence
of the Domengine Formation, Black Diamond Mines Regional Preserve, Northern California,
Pacific Section, Society of Sedimentary Geology, Book 94, 52p.
      Sullivan, R., Sullivan, M.D., 2012, Sequence Stratigraphy and Incised Valley Architecture of the
Domengine Formation, Black Diamond Mines Regional Preserve and the southern Sacramento
Basin, California, USA. Journal of Sedimentary Research, v. 82, p. 781-800.
      Sullivan, R., 2019, Marsh Creek Volcanics, Diablo Watch, Spring/Summer No. 66, p. 9-10.
      Sullivan, R., Sloan, D., Unruh, J.P., Schwartz, D. P., 2021,  Preface,  in Sullivan, R., Sloan, D.,
Unruh, J.P., Schwartz, D. P., eds., Regional Geology of Mount Diablo, California: Its Evolution
on the North America Plate Boundary: Geological Society of America Memoir 217, p. i-vii.
      Sullivan, R., Sullivan, M. D.,  Dedmon,  P., Stephen Edwards, S., 2021, The occurrence and
mining of coal & sand deposits in the Middle Eocene Domengine Formation of the Mount Diablo
Coalfield, California. in Sullivan R., Sloan, D., Unruh, J.P., Schwartz, D. P., eds., Regional Geology
of Mount Diablo, California: Its Evolution on the North America Plate Boundary: Geological Society
of America Memoir 217, p. 65-96.
      Sullivan, R., Fay, R.P., Schaefer, C., Deino, A., and  Edwards, S.W., 2021, Neogene volcanism
on the eastside of Mount Diablo, Contra Costa County, California: in  Sullivan, R., Sloan, D.,
Unruh, J.P., Schwartz, D. P., eds., Regional Geology of Mount Diablo, California: Its Evolution
on the North America Plate Boundary: Geological Society of America Memoir 217, p. 201-228.
      Sullivan, R., Sullivan, M.D., Edwards, S.W., Sarna-Wojcicki, A., Hackworth R.A., and Deino,
A., 2021, Mid-Cenozoic succession on the northeast limb of the Mount Diablo anticline: A
stratigraphic record of tectonic events in the forearc basin 269-304.
      Sullivan, R., Sarna-Wojcicki, A., Deino, A., Wagner, J.R., Wan, E., Walkup, L., 2021, 
Late Cenozoic tephrochronology of the Mount Diablo area within the evolving plate tectonic
boundary zone of northern California: in Sullivan, R., Sloan, D., Unruh, J.P., Schwartz, D. P., eds.,
Regional Geology of Mount Diablo, California: Its Evolution on the North America Plate Boundary: Geological Society of America Memoir 217, p. 393-442.
Geology of the Bay Area (field)
      Sullivan, R., Waters, J., and Duvall, J., 1987, The Geology of Black Diamond Mines Regional
Preserve, Contra Costa County, ed. Hirschfield, S.E., in Field Guide, Fall Conference of Far Western
Section, National Association of Geology Teachers, p. 11-33.
      Sullivan, R., and Waters, J., 1994, The Geology of the Black Diamond Mines Regional Preserve,
Field Trip Guide, Northern California Geological Society, 41p.
      Sullivan, R., Waters, J., and Sullivan, M.D., 1995, Geology and Sequence Stratigraphy of the
Black Diamond Mines Regional Preserve, Field Trip Guide, Pacific Section, American Association
of Petroleum Geologists, 46p.
      Sullivan, R., Bray, T., and Bartow, G., 1996 , Geology of Keller Canyon Landfill and the Concord
Naval Weapon Station, Field Trip Guide, Northern California Geological Society, 24p.
      Sullivan, R., Waters, J., and Sullivan, M.D., 1999, Sequence Stratigraphy and Mining History of the
Black Diamond Mines Regional Preserve,  Field Trip Guide, Cordilleran Section, Geological Society
of America, University of California, Berkeley. 45 p.
      Sullivan, R., 2000, Depositional Systems in the Northern Coastal Ranges of California,
Field Study Guide, May 17-20, University of Nebraska, 77p
      Sullivan, R., Sullivan, M.D., Waters, J., Yarborough, R., 2002, Geology and Sequence
Stratigraphy of Black Diamond Mines Regional Preserve, Field Trip Guide, Northern California
Geological Society, 46p.
      Sullivan, R., Hampton, M., McLaughlin, R., Magoon, O., Kendall, T., Mull, P., Ewing, L., 2005, 
Coastal Cliffs-Landslides and Urban Developments, Field Trip Guide, Northern California
Geological Society.
      Sullivan, R., 2006, Retracing the events of the 1906 Earthquake and Fire along the bay margins in downtown San Francisco, Field Trip Guide, Northern California Geological Society, 21 p.
      Sullivan, R., 2006, A walk along the old bay margins in downtown San Francisco: The events
of the 1906 earthquake and fire, 100th Anniversary, 1906 Earthquake Conference: Commemorating
the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake, 23 p.
      Sullivan, R., 2012, Ocean Floor to Shelf; The lower Tertiary Sequences on the flanks of
Mount Diablo, Field Trip Guide, Northern California Geological Society, 38 p.
      Sullivan, R., 2017, The Tertiary Sequences on the flanks of Mt. Diablo: A record of subduction to transform, Field Trip Guide, Northern California Geological Society, 69 p.
      Sullivan, R., and Bartow, G., 2017, Walk along the old bay margins in downtown San Francisco,
Field Trip Guide, Northern California Geological Society, 41p.
      Sullivan, R., Sullivan, M. D., Dedmon, P., and Krug, R., 2019, The Geology and Mining History
of the Mount Diablo Coalfield, American Geophysical Union/ Society of Economic Paleontologist
and Mineralogist Field Trip Guide, 36 p.
Geology of the Bay Area (field)